A Kitchen Garden

A kitchen garden is a space to grow herbs, edible flowers, leafy greens, vegetables, and fruit for everyday use inside your kitchen. A kitchen garden is thoughtfully planted to make grand use of a quaint space. It’s a garden intended to be harvested fresh - some arugula with your morning eggs, a few handfuls of cherry tomatoes for a Caprese salad, or a spring of rosemary to garnish your happy hour beverage.

A kitchen garden is as tasteful to the eye as it is to eat. Kitchen gardens designed by Umbel Gardens are outdoor spaces customized to your aesthetic of your home’s design. It is a beautiful space, located right outside of your door, with symmetrical beds organized and planted in an aesthetically pleasing way.

A kitchen garden is an extension of your home; a calming space in your yard, or on your patio, where you can escape and connect with nature. It’s a space where you’ll experience the magic of a tiny seed, watch bees fall asleep on flowers, and fall in love with the smell of tomato leaves.

It is a productive, palatable, pretty, and peaceful space.


Chamomile & Mint Tea


Pet Friendly Herbs & Veggies